<p>I hate my town. I hate my school. I hate how 60% of the graduating class is going to a local CC. I hate how the top 10% is going to Harvard. I hate the lack of anything to do. Yes, I do hate it all.</p>
<p>ok im done ranting, college will all be worth it</p>
<p>Well, to help you feel better, not ALL the top 10% will go to Harvard. There are other schools of equal value; they're just not as rich (but are close to it). I also hate my small rabbit-hole-of-a-city. I dislike the materialistic attitude that's present in a lot of my peers. I hate how I've been stuck with the same people since 5th grade...</p>
<p>well, i have always loved school (since i was a little girl), so yeah, i like my high school. i just don't like the work or the lack of stuff to do in my small town.</p>
<p>My town is 98% white people (no joke), all of the kids are rich and spoiled and drive mommy and daddy's BMW, and it basically sucks altogether. Worst town in the world.</p>
<p>Haha, that basically describes my school, except replace 'white' with 'black', surprisingly. And maybe BMW to a less expensive car. And I'm broke as a joke so I'm like a minority of minorities there. But it's still all good.</p>
<p>I hate my school too, and if any of the senior class decides to go to a four-year college, it's like two of them, and some will go to a CC, and most will just do nothing. We have no clubs, three sports teams for each gender and one co-ed, we can barely fill them and often have to beg for players the morning of the game, we're too poor to afford anything at all, and the GC is unqualified. We have like no APs, but we do have some good teachers......I CAN'T WAIT FOR COLLEGE. You have no idea.</p>
<p>oh, and most people are incredibly immature, selfish, and ignorant. they consider racist jokes hilarious and political jokes or anything else for that matter "whoa, you're like, too smart". I'm not that smart - it's crazy.</p>