Anyone else mad?

<p>Okay, at my school, my friend takes the same courses as me, with the exception of a music class and any AP classes. Were signing up for classes next year, and he is not planning on taking anything challenging, like the past year. Me, I'm signing up for all possible advanced courses, AP, honors, etc...</p>

<p>I come home and my dad tells me that his dad complained that his son can't get a 4.0 (because no A+'s), so he can't offset 1 -A! I am so ****ed. I work in the advanced classes and get a 3.7ish.. and they are complaining that he will never get a 4.0 while taking most of the easiest possible classes.</p>

<p>Then my parents turn around and say why I'm not getting a 4.0 (they assume its because I do to many EC's and don't study enough). I try to tell them I am taking advanced courses. There like, "you can't get into a decent college!"</p>

<p>I am so mad, nobody cares or understands the semi importance of taking SEMI CHALLENGING coursework. My friend does more EC's and does not study, ever.</p>

<p>Anybody had a similar experiance?</p>



<p>lol show them college confidential.</p>

<p>yawn, another boring rant thread from a nerd of unimaginable proportions</p>

<p>That is bullcrap, dude. Your parents need a kick in the buttocks.</p>

<p>Yeah AP’s should get more weight so people who don’t challenge themselves at all get screwed over.</p>