<p>I have APUSH, AP Rhet, and Chinese III HN summer work but I just can't seem to start on them.
Like, I have my APUSH summer work in front of me and after it says something about "Write 4-6 sentences describing..." for 2147483647 things I just sit and stare at my computer screen...
Anyone have any ways to fight this urge to procrastinate and actually be motivated to do summer work? Ugh I feel like I'm going to work on these during the last week of break -.-. asdfghjkl;'</p>
<p>What is AP Rhet?</p>
<p>School starts for me in less a month and I’ve barely started so I go to the library for like 6 hours a day and just blitz through my stuff. I also have to learn a whole year of Chinese by this August :I</p>
<p>Yes. Normally I procrastinate and do it all the week before school starts. But I’ve got 1355645 college essays to write as well, and I figure I should at least finish the Common App and MIT essays before school starts (mid-August for me). I find that making a detailed schedule for what I want to finish on each day helps keep me on track. Also, stay off the Internet (social media, CC, Wikipedia, whatever). And scare yourself by keeping in mind that there’s only 3.5 weeks of summer left (or whatever the number is for you).</p>
<p>@elf4EVA LOL I keep telling myself that I’m screwed if I don’t start now since I have band camp and also since school starts in like 3 weeks… but you know… that one part of the brain that tells you that it’s okay is overwhelming me at the moment T_T
@letmeseetheworld AP Rhet is the same thing as AP English Language & Composition</p>
<p>I’m just jealous that you guys have summer work hah</p>
<p>I have summer work but it doesn’t involve school. :(</p>
<p>I feel your pain. It just feels so nice to FINALLY have a break that I guess we don’t know how to handle it haha</p>
<p>the moment it actually feels like summer is when school starts back up again </p>
<p>Yeah, I still have to start my AP Gov work</p>
<p>17 days left and I’ve still got to read Billy Budd and figure out what I’m supposed to do for AP Chem.</p>
<p>1 month from today I start school. At this moment I still have to read 2 books…</p>
<p>Casuals.(/s) School starts tomorrow and I still don’t have all my work done.</p>
<p>“still don’t have all my work done”</p>
<p>lmao you’re probably like 99% done and making finishing touches</p>
<p>Hey, but that one percent will make the difference in me being accepted to all the Ivies!!11!!! /s</p>
<p>I don’t have any. :P</p>
<p>But then again, I’m not taking any AP classes and only some AP classes at my school assign summer homework. At my school, the only truly difficult assignments are for AP Human Geography, AP Latin and AP Euro History.</p>
<p>AP Latin is a 100 page packet and two books. Those poor souls.</p>
<p>I have to write 5 news article responses, write 3 essays, read 2 books, create a reader response notebook, and memorize about 50 terms. That’s for AP Language and AP Literature. I’m taking both Kind of regretting it now… I really need to read but I just get so bored and my mind wanders off. I think I’ll get the audiobooks. I’ve been slacking because I’ve been studying a lot for the ACT and possible retake of SAT and 2 subject tests. But alas, all of this is still not as bad as my APUSH summer homework
But I got a 4 so I won’t have to worry about it ever again.
<p>Just finished reading 16 pages of my APUSH book. Going to cookie jar at the moment, brb.</p>
<p>My teacher has deadlines throughout the summer for my assignments, so no luck there</p>
<p>If anyone else has book annotations, I would really recommend starting them as soon as possible. They slow you down and it may take a lot longer than you expected to finish reading the book.</p>