Anyone else notice this - re CBH Essay?

<p>D copied and pasted her draft CBH essay into the honors application a week or so ago to check the character count. 4000 characters were allowed. So she went back to Word to cut and work on the essay. When she copied and pasted it back into the CBH essay box, the character limit was only 3900! She had to cut some more, and then quickly submitted it before the limit could change again. I thought this was odd. Did this happen to anyone else, or is my D imagining one character limit or the other?</p>

<p>My son did not have that issue. But he did have to be careful with the extra “spaces” he put in after paragraphs. Since each of those counted as a character.</p>

<p>My daughter submitted her essay 4000 characters with no problem. She decided for some reason to go back and check it a few weeks later and the entire end of her essay was gone even though it had been there when submitted. We sent an email and found out that it’s a known problem. They had her submit it as a word document then inserted it for her on the application. May be worth a phone call to be able to submit original essay.</p>

<p>sniner- maybe I should have my son look at his to make sure it is OK! Thanks for the heads up!</p>

<p>Yes, my DS had the same issue for both CBH and UFE essays. Did 4,000 characters only to find out 3900 was the correct number. Kept cutting out, until the red letters became black! And his resume presented a couple issues as well - official looking, 1 page, 11 font text but larger font for the outline, once downloaded became all one size font, and two pages. Oh well… the info is still there, just doesn’t look quite as nice.</p>

<p>After reading these responses I decided to go in and take a look at D’s honors application to make sure everything was there properly. Maybe I’m doing something wrong (D is at school so she can’t check it herself), but it just says the Honors Application has already been submitted and I can’t see it. Is that normal, or am I a computer idiot? I guess D will have to check for herself when she gets home.</p>

<p>Beth’s mom - I was wondering the same thing. I can see that a UFE app was submitted. How can you confirm the CBH app and see the essay?</p>

<p>You can email or call. I think I had to do that last year. Sorry it’s so nerve-wracking!</p>