<p>so i submitted my app like nov 30 via commonapp.org and the little update next to my rice supplement still has "submitted 11/30/08" and hasn't changed to downloaded yet. so i called the office of admissions a couple of weeks ago to make sure that recieved everything and they said that they have except for the teacher rec(which was resent). i'm still really worried? is this common...is it just a computer error or did they really not download my supplement yet? do you think maybe they rejected me already just with my common app information? :(</p>
<p>i really wouldn’t worry about it that much, especially right now since i know a lot of people are sending in a lot of things (me being one of them)
i am sure they did not reject you only looking at your comon app info. Rice is the type of school that would want to look at the whole package. plus your on cc…i really doubt your app is so bad they would reject you.
look on the brightside, atleast you have everything in…im still working/starting on my essay lol
<p>I doubt that they would reject/accept someone via the commonapp website. In this situation, I think that Rice’s Admissions Office has not told Commonapp whether or not the app/supplement has been downloaded. I think they only do this until the deadline or after.
In the situation with your teacher rec, your teacher may have not sent it in yet or they have not received it. Either that or some mis-communication occurred somewhere. I would email/call your teacher just to be safe.</p>
<p>Hi Strangequark. I called about this same problem at another college back in October (for my son). That college’s applications were due November 1 for his particular major. We were both getting worried as October went by because the Common App site continued to say “submitted 09/02/08” instead of “downloaded” like the others. When I called to speak to the admissions rep at that college, the rep at first said they had everything they needed. When I reiterated that the other college’s listings said “downloaded” instead of “submitted …” she said that the “downloaded” notation comes up AFTER the college admissions office actually downloads the file to look at it. She explained that “submitted” refers to the fact that the app was successfully submitted through the Common App site, and then “downloaded” refers to the fact that the college admissions people then pressed all their magic buttons on their computers to download the information into their files. I don’t know if this is the same across the board for all colleges, but I would bet that it is. If you’re still worried, or if your application deadline is fast approaching and it still says just “submitted,” it can never hurt to email or phone the admissions personnel to check on the status. Hope this helps.</p>