<p>I've like applied for 20+ retail jobs and i ended up with only 3 interviews, one of them called me back for a second one. It's already been a week since the interviews and I'm crossing my fingers that I'll get called back for at least one. If I don't hear back after 2 weeks...should I follow up and inquire about my status? does anyone have any tips?</p>
<p>But then again I've kinda lied to the managers about going to college "locally" when really I'm leaving at the end of august...I'm going to school out of state*WILL I GET IN TROUBLE?? :/* my aunt told me to tell them this so at least I can get the job, but I have to give them a 2 week's notice?....which makes me wonder if it would be worth working for less than 2 months...</p>
<p>btw, does anyone know if retail jobs help build up your "resume" when applying for internships.</p>
<p>Two weeks is a long time for a decision on a minimum wage (its that or close to it, I assume?) retail job. There’s nothing wrong with calling to see if they’ve made a decision, though.</p>
<p>You can always tell them later that you’ve got to leave to focus on your classes if you don’t feel comfortable flat-out quitting. They will probably remember it if you need a reference in the future, but there’s nothing they can do about it.</p>
<p>If you only intend on working there for 2 months then you will probably not use them as a reference. If that’s true, then it’s not particularly important if you give a 2 weeks notice or just quit on the spot. Given, if you do flat out quit you have probably just burned your bridge in terms of employment at that company again. </p>
<p>You will not get in “trouble” about lying to them, but again, don’t try to use them as a reference.</p>
<p>@classicskid & @Vlandenschulette: thanks for the advice! what exactly does a reference mean? does that mean I’ll have to use future profs or other jobs as references in the future…? Also, should I just straight up tell them that I don’t want the work to interfere with my studies instead of mentioning that I’m going to school away?</p>
<p>I feel like it would make me look so bad if I leave after 2 months
I guess that could just mean that in the future I wont apply for a job at the same store…but I really need the money before college starts AND something to keep me busy because I have literally nothing to do at home…</p>
<p>… Why don’t you just apply for a summer seasonal job? There are zillions of them in retail and the expectation is that you’re only working for the summer.</p>
<p>^ I landed one! I have it taken care of! thanks for the advice guys I got the job
I start next week :)</p>