Anyone from India going for fall 2007

<p>Lets be in touch if you are from India and planning to join UW Madison for Undergraduate studies.</p>

<p>I'm Indian, but from Hong Kong</p>

<p>Namaste- Son current freshman- 1/2 Indian, instate. I'm his Wis native mom, happy to help, PM, possibibly by e-mail. Which part of India? Feel free to PM me - remember this is a public forum. I've never been there.</p>

<p>Haha, thats really cool! wis75...which major/program is your son currently enrolled in?</p>

<p>Son's in L&S- Honors program, physics major. I went there for undergrad eons ago- Honors, Chemistry.</p>

<p>Still not many Indians have decided about UW-Madison.</p>

<p>I'm Kashmiri and I plan to attend this fall. Are there any South Asian groups like SASA or something at Madison?</p>

<p>There is both an Indian Student Association and an Indian Graduate Student Association. Apart from that, there are also groups like you mentioned above...South Asian groups, International Groups... </p>

<p>Also, dont forget to check out the International Student Services Section on the website. It provides some very useful information. </p>

<p>If you dont mind me asking, shanku are you comming from India or somewhere else? And also, which college have you been admitted to?</p>

<p>No, I was born and raised in the U.S. Admitted to Letters and Science</p>

<p>Cool, as you read above, I'm comming from Hong Hong. Admitted to Human Ecology. Hope to see you there!</p>

<p>Still no one considering UW for Engineering.</p>

<p>Im a current Indian-American attending Madison.</p>

<p>UW has an Indian Students Association, along with religious organizations such as the Muslim Students Association and the Sikh Students Association.</p>

<p>anything for Hindus?</p>

<p>Actually, there isnt a Hindu Students Association on campus, but there has been discussion by some people on campus about creating on. Either way, the Indian Students Association does many cultural events throughout the school year.</p>

<p>im Indian, i am attending this fall, born in India, brought up in the states, </p>

<p>General Eng</p>

<p>is there a cricket club?</p>

<p>yea i was looking on line for a cricket club, and i found this </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Thanks for the link. Hmm sounds pretty fun/serious. But I will def. have to practice by playing some chillax games with people who suck like me before I consider playing with that club I guess. What are those teams they had in the standings? Different teams within their own club, or around Madison?</p>

<p>ur guess is as good as mine, dont worry, i suck at cricket too, but i love the game so much. We will suck together if u decide to come. I know they have a Midwest Cricket Conference which is pretty serious, and has teams from all over the midwest, including schools like Purdue, and UIUC. UW Madison also has a team they send, but i dont know the level of cricket they play. the tems they have in their schedule, i think they are teams within madison</p>

<p>Hahaha, I suck as well, but wouldnt mind a game with you guys!</p>