Anyone get a Trustees or Presidential Scholarship Letter yet?

Just curious. Thanks.

Yeah. I got one that says Purdue “intends to nominate you to receive a presidential scholarship” and “recommended as a candidate” for the trustees scholarship.

Note that this doesn’t actually mean anything at all. The decisions aren’t released until the end of February. Notice how political all that language is. My bet is that everyone is nominated or recommended, and then they’ll send us all letters of how there was a “strong” applicant pool this year and we were close to getting it even though we weren’t even in the real pool.

The Purdue website says 1100 people every year get the Presidential scholarship, and 150 get the Trustees.

You can totally tell that this was a computer generated fill-in-the-blank letter sent to thousands of people. But hey, there is a personalized touch. My letter spent 2 paragraphs talking about special female-only classes designed for women like me and how Purdue develops leadership in women, and how that should be a reason I choose Purdue.

I’m a guy. Looks like they need a new computer sorting system.

Thanks for the reply. Anyone else?

Nope, still waiting here too. Daughter gets lots of emails from Purdue, but nothing like what @chris2 described.

Nothing here either. @ATLurker‌, did you get a scholarship notification?

Still waiting here as well.

Nothing yet.

Nothing here.

Me neither, but I was wondering if anyone got a honors college invitation yet. I’m still waiting for something from Purdue.

I got “recommended” for the honors college but the letter said decisions on all the important stuff won’t come out until “near the end of February”.

Nothing about honors college either. @chris2 those e-mails are probably a great sign for your though. Are you engineering?

@Northernmom61, I applied for business, and I got the letter physically, in my mailbox as a piece of paper with an envelope. The letter was from the business school though, not Purdue itself. The delay in everyone else’s is probably because each individual school handles them all.

If anyone wants to compare, I got nominated for the presidential scholarship, trustees scholarship, and honors college with a 36 ACT and 3.6 GPA. I don’t know if being nominated actually means anything. For all we know, they could have nominated everyone just to spark their interest in Purdue. I have a feeling the whole process is very numbers based. My GPA will probably get me thrown out in the first round of evaluations.

@chris2 Congratulations on your admission. I still suspect that getting the letter is a good sign for you and that is great if Purdue is where you want to go to school. I doubt that every admitted student in the business department gets that letter. And I suspect you are correct in noting that each department handles this differently.

Reading last years thread when presidential scholarships were awarded, there seemed to be little rhyme or reason as to why one student got it and another didn’t based on stats. I guess that’s when the whole “black box” or holistic evaluation comes in to play. So your 3.6 will probably be fine juxtaposed to a perfect ACT score and whatever else you have on your application.

Purdue is high on my daughter’s list and that scholarship will make the OOS tuition and costs more doable for us. I know lots of others who are following the Purdue scholarship threads are in the same boat.

Thanks for your words of encouragement.

@chris2 When did you get recommended to the Honors college?

@cheemu I believe @chris2 got a letter from the department but didn’t say when. Obviously sometime between December 12 and now.

I got the letter on February 2.

Oh, and having a 36 ACT doesn’t mean jack unless you have a high GPA to back it up. At first I thought my ACT score would make up for it, but it really doesn’t.