Anyone get into UCSB or know anyone who did With low GPA

<p>Anyone get into UCSB or know anyone who did With low GPA....??please respond</p>

<p>I know someone that got into UCSB with a fairly low GPA. His saving grace according to him was his SAT scores. Crazy party school.</p>

<p>First question would be how low a GPA. It's fairly easy to get into UCSB especially if you are a California resident. Many California students were pre-accepted through the ELC program even withough applying to the college. Remember, your GPA is only one out of the many factors in admissions. There's also extracurricular's, test scores, and the type of classes your taking--CP classes and AP's look a lot better than standard. So if your low GPA is due to that it might not be that significant</p>

<p>According to the ucsb website, here are the Freshman Applicant Statistics (Fall 2005 Entering Class)
Applicants: 37,522</p>

<p>Admitted: 19,821 (52.8%)</p>

<pre><code>* 3.99 average GPA

* 1260 mean SAT I score

* 5% of admitted students are non-residents

I'm not sure 52.8% can be considered "fairly easy"

<p>i had a 3.38 UW and i got accepted 2 years ago.</p>

<p>friend with a 3.2 but 1540 SAT, shiz saves your life.</p>

<p>is that 1540 only math and critical reading</p>

<p>Remember that UCs probably report their UC-scale GPAs. My UC GPA was higher than my “regular” GPA because it didn’t count required PE classes. On the other hand, for my friend, her GPA was lower because it only counted some weighted classes.</p>

<p>Check this out to get a better idea: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>"there are a few steps to calculating the UC gpa:</p>

<li>disregard freshman and senior year</li>
<li>take all the a-g courses you have and add them up with 4 being an A, 3 a B, 2 a C, 0 for D and F</li>
<li>add one point for each AP or UC-approved honors course up to 8 points</li>
<li>divide by the total number of classes you used to calculate your total</li>

<p>theres the UC gpa."</p>

<p>My S was accepted to UCSB and is now attending with 3.4 UW, 3.75 W. In fact, he was offered the Honor’s Program.</p>

<p>His SAT’s were 2240.</p>

<p>“Many California students were pre-accepted through the ELC program even withough applying to the college.”</p>

<p>Wouldn’t that group represent the top 4 percent of GPA’s in their schoool?</p>

<p>I had a 2.8 non weighted GPA, maybe lower, but my UC gpa was 3.01. I got in with a 1860 SAT.</p>

<p>^^ wow, nice!</p>

<p>did you have some crazy EC’s or something</p>

<p>3.3 Overall GPA. 3.6 UC Gpa. got in :wink: but i had amazing EC’s</p>

<p>what were your sat scores like</p>

<p>I am a 1st year at UCSB… I got in with a 3.6 w gpa 1590 SAT I… BUT I HAD AMAZING EC… (OVER 1100 HOURS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE)…</p>