Anyone get postponed yet this year?

<p>I applied on September 15th and got my postpone letter in the mail this past thursday. I think I was fairly close to getting in (3.6 GPA, 28 ACT, good extracurriculars, decent essay, teacher recs etc) but I didn't. It's still by far my top choice, and I plan on letting them know it. I've heard good things about being postponed and still getting in, but just thought others in the same situation might want to vent, ask questions etc. I know I have lots of questions and am still waiting to get a hold of my admissions counselor to ask her, but for now this will have to do.</p>

<p>Anyone else in the same situation?</p>

<p>Uh oh...I applied around the same time but haven't heard from them yet.</p>

<p>What did the letter say? What was your high school courseload like (including senior courses)? Because my stats are a little lower than that so that's worrying me now...eek.</p>

<p>When you say you got postponed do you mean "waitlisted"?</p>

<p>Yes, I mean waitlisted. I had a fairly heavy courseload. Before senior year: Honors English for three years, Honors chem in 11th, AP History in 11th (4 on test) This year I have one college class (English), Honors Gov. & Econ., and Spanish Four as my hardest classes. I took four years of all core classes (math, social studies, science, english, foreign language). Hope this helps. Are you checking the website for results? If so, you should be hearing soon, though my postponement came in the mail and still isn't posted online. If you don't hear in the next couple days I would call and they will let you know the status of your application.</p>

<p>EDIT: I don't know why I put that I had a 3.6 GPA, I actually have a 3.76. Sorry.</p>

<p>Can you tell us exactly what the letter said? are you international? I'm getting worried too cause i'm in a similar boat</p>

<p>Sure, sorry about not including information from my letter before. I am in sate, actually (a suburb of Green Bay). My letter basically stated that I was on par academically but that that they either wanted to see my first semester grades or weren't sure if they would have room to admit me. Included along with it was a supplemental application with some new essays which and an envelope to send in my new test grades. It said that a new admissions decision would be made by March 15th. It is a generic letter and didn't provide any specific reasons for my postponement. Along with the letter was an FAQ for postponed students which I believe you can find on the UW website by searching for "postponed". It answered alot of my questions but I still have several more. Good luck, but remember if you do get postponed and are persistent enough, you still have a good chance of getting in come March.</p>

<p>Instate 3.75 GPA 28 ACT postponed within a month? Who does Madison think they are? If madison rejects these types of instate stats and accepts much worse out of state applicants, their taxpayers won't be very happy.</p>

<p>Yes, in fact I have heard that Madison lets in out-of-staters with inferior stats in order to bring in more tuition money, and yes it makes in-staters mad.</p>

<p>yes, yes it does.</p>

<p>By the way, what major did you apply to?</p>

<p>Journalism. Should this make a difference?</p>

<p>No since you're basically just applying to CLS as a whole, not a specific major. If you don't get into madison go to U of M carlson, you had posted in a previous thread that you're a DECA president. Carlson needs people like you.</p>

<p>Banker, you don't know what you are talking about. The average test scores for instate and OOS are about the same. Kids from some much more competitive OOS schools might get in with lower GPAs but the reason is that the schools are much tougher than most in Wisconsin and the students are not inferior. Don't believe the right wing propaganda from a few UW haters in the state government. They are just trying to make a political issue out of it for their own benefit.
I suspect you are just sore because UW crushed MInn this year in football.</p>

<p>average test scores are about the same? do you have a link? because i have a link which clearly shows OOS accepted test scores are lower than instate accepted scores on average.</p>

<p>Don't worry, every postponed person I knew got into UW, just do what they say on the paper.</p>

<p>My son was deferred, He is out of state with a 3.9 gpa
Top high school in Florida</p>

<p>Here's my link on scores.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Wow that sucks. 3.76 and a 28? I know two girls who just got in with 3.5s and 26s on the ACT. Get straight A's this semester and I couldn't see them denying you.</p>

<p>^About those two girls...were they in state or out of state??</p>

<p>thats so weird you got defered with those stats
i got into human ecology today with a 28 and a 3.4</p>