<p>I’m there with you man.
Denied by the same and still waiting for UCI and Cal (lol)
Don’t lose hope
3.4 UC GPA
580 Math II
680 US History
1660 Sat ( I know really low)
29 ACT (hopefully made up for it)
4 years Varsity Wrestler
Team Captain Senior Year
About 120 - 150 hours of Volunteer at Youth Wrestling Programs</p>
<p>People whose scores were between 7702 and 7737 were offered a winter spot. You coincidentally know more people in that range than those with higher scores.</p>
<p>I got denied from UCSD, UCSB, and UCD
4.026 W
3.61 W UC GPA
2000 SAT
670 Math2, 650 Lit.
30 ACT
100+hrs community service
4 yrs xc and 2 yrs track</p>
<p>With your sat scores blahh I would have thought you would have gotten accepted somewhere…
Same with you some-dude… wow</p>
<p>I am most bummed about UCSB, It was my dream school, and I know people with worse stats that got in, and I thought my essays were extremely good… I guess I am either going to SDSU or Sonoma State next year… Unless UCI accepts me… Maybe I’ll go to Cuesta or Santa Barbara City Community College… Idk. Shocked. Congrats to everyone.</p>