Anyone getting into UCs with a single C?

Hi CC community,

I’m new here and hearing nightmare stories from parents of the class of 2023. The stories are making me very stressed out that my son, an athletic recruit, may have trouble with admissions.

He has a 3.9 uW and a 4.1 W GPA. He was overly ambitious in his sophomore year and took Chemistry Honors first semester and ended up with a C. He switched to regular Chemistry the second semester and got an A. He is taking 3 APs his Junior year (all As last semester with a 4.33) and will take more his senior year.

Can I hear some stories of hope that a single C in one semester has not hurt you in admissions this year?

Thank you!!


A single C will not take you out of contention for the UC’s. That said, Intended major and if the class relates to that major may not help when it comes to admissions. The issue is that the UC’s like to see students challenge themselves but also like see good grades in the most challenging classes.

My son had a C one semester in his Spanish 2 class. He was accepted to UCR for CS and also got some merit aid to boot however, I will state this was 2014 so that may not be valid today.


Thank you. I’m hoping someone in here can say they got into UCI, UCSB or UCD with a C…

And by that I mean recently, as in the past 2 years or so

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My daughter had a C in math one semester and got into UCB. So it’s possible.


Pretty much only if the C is in the freshman year or in the senior year. :grinning:

If he is a recruited athlete, he should have a pre-read. Admissions will let him know if they are likely to admit him or not.