Anyone going to Honors Visitation?

<p>I just got the invitation in the mail.
Quoted, it states :
"I would like to invite you to attend our 14th Honors Visitation Day.. You have been selected for this event based upon your history of academic success"</p>

<p>However, a disclaimer towards the bottom reads:
"This invitation does not guarantee admission to the <b>Honors Program</b>."
- the letter says nothing about admissions to regular University of Florida just the honors college. Are my chances of admittance good now? Are any of you CC'ers going to be there?</p>


<p>Just signed up for it. Got shut out in the summer for the visitation weekend...</p>

<p>Already did a Friday honors visitation and visited once with brother when he was looking for schools, so she decided not to go to this.</p>


<p>Does anyone have any idea how students were selected to be invited to Honors Day? After attending with my son, I noticed that there were no other students from his high school (which is rather large and competitive). As we met other people, we never saw a school represented by more than one student. I understand the SAT and GPA requirements that are necessary for the Honors program, but they obviously did not invite everyone who met that criteria. I’m assuming that Spring Honors Day includes all students accepted to UF who have met the criteria.</p>



<p>I attended the Honors Visitation Day and I would like to know this as well. My guidance counselor hasn’t gotten back to me yet, so does anyone have any information about how the invitees were picked (either this year or in the past)? Thanks.</p>