<p>class2009college: So I’m no mathematician, but I can bang stuff in on a keyboard and watch it run. So I wrote a program which simulates the college admission process in the following manner–it converts the admit % from the 0-100 scale to a 0-1 scale by cleverly dividing by 100; then it generates a random number on [0, 1), and if this number is lower than the admit %, YOU’RE IN!!! I then proceeded to iterate this process 100,000,000 times (“computer abuse!” you may cry…but that’s okay, it’s on a computer in my house’s comp lab, not my own computer. =)). Here is a copy of the output from the program:</p>
<p>Chance of getting into exactly 7 of the listed schools under the ridiculously flawed assumption of independence: 0.002861%
Chance of getting into at least 7 of the listed schools under the ridiculously flawed assumption of independence: 0.002861%</p>
<p>Chance of getting into exactly 6 of the listed schools under the ridiculously flawed assumption of independence: 0.076037%
Chance of getting into at least 6 of the listed schools under the ridiculously flawed assumption of independence: 0.078898%</p>
<p>Chance of getting into exactly 5 of the listed schools under the ridiculously flawed assumption of independence: 0.831266%
Chance of getting into at least 5 of the listed schools under the ridiculously flawed assumption of independence: 0.910164%</p>
<p>Chance of getting into exactly 4 of the listed schools under the ridiculously flawed assumption of independence: 4.796589%
Chance of getting into at least 4 of the listed schools under the ridiculously flawed assumption of independence: 5.706753%</p>
<p>Chance of getting into exactly 3 of the listed schools under the ridiculously flawed assumption of independence: 16.018344%
Chance of getting into at least 3 of the listed schools under the ridiculously flawed assumption of independence: 21.725096999999998%</p>
<p>Chance of getting into exactly 2 of the listed schools under the ridiculously flawed assumption of independence: 31.14194%
Chance of getting into at least 2 of the listed schools under the ridiculously flawed assumption of independence: 52.867036999999996%</p>
<p>Chance of getting into exactly 1 of the listed schools under the ridiculously flawed assumption of independence: 32.736359%
Chance of getting into at least 1 of the listed schools under the ridiculously flawed assumption of independence: 85.603396%</p>
<p>Chance of getting into exactly 0 of the listed schools under the ridiculously flawed assumption of independence: 14.396604%
Chance of getting into at least 0 of the listed schools under the ridiculously flawed assumption of independence: 100.0%</p>
<p>I’d like to thank you, class2009college, for giving me yet another excuse to avoid my hum final essay. I’ve now been on a break for the last six hours straight. Woo!</p>