Anyone got answers from financial aid?? (CSS Profile)

<p>I called them today. They said that they were going to announce the remaining scholarships until next week.</p>

<p>Finally got my FA package, didnt get any scholarships which is weird cause I transfered in with 62+ credits with a 3.68 GPA, which is honors from the college i graduated from (penn state branch campus) but the school is giving me 24,880 in grants and their offering me another 9,000 in loans so im at 33,880 right now. Hopefully I can come up with another 30k to attend! Im curious as to why I didnt receive a scholarship?</p>

<p>Intresting. I’m transferring from a Cc in Minnesota with 79 credits, and a 4.0. I received a total package of 40 K 27 grant 13 loans. 11 grand presidents scholarship, 9500 cane grant aid. My Efc on fasa is 00. No way I’ll be able to come up with the additional 30th grand to attend the school though. How do you guys plan on financing the school? Family aid? commercial loans? </p>

<p>Just posted in the other thread back to you ivy, but im not sure what my EFC is but it has to be low, I got 18k coral grant and the rest of my grants was federal. Im hoping for a scholarship to bring the yearly cost down to the 20-25k which is about what it costed me to go to the penn state branch campus per year. I can also apply for PA schooling loans so that will help more and then parents are helping with the rest. Hopefully I can attend im going down on the 23rd to visit. has anyone else visited yet?</p>

<p>just found out my EFC is 2800 so im suprised as to how little miami actually gave to me…</p>

<p>I wonder why you got more grant aid then me. I assume my EFC is low too…I recieve full pell grant. I appealed to financial aid to see if I could get any more aid money i’ll reply back in ten days with the results. However, if I don’t get any more aid I will decline admission. Off topic, but somehow I got wait listed to my state university, University of Minnesota… Which is a lot less competitive then Miami…</p>

<p>My EFC is 2801 to be exact. Got zero scholarships which im writing a letter to the university now that im gonna mail in today after work. I actually just got an email that my FA information changed and I was hoping for a substantial raise, nope my PELL grant dropped 400 bucks ■■■?! so now im standing at 33480 being offered. The school estimates around 62k for a year, thats including around 1300 for transportation, 2000 for expenses while down there, i believe around a 2000 healthcare program you can opt out of, a higher meal plan. So drop all that off the total and your actually at around 55,000 a year plus or minus some depending on books etc. still going to try to write a letter for a scholarship though Im flying down next week to visit and hope it wont be a waste ill be sure checking in with FA office and admissions</p>

<p>^^ not sure 2000 for Health care is included in the 62K estimate. but they do add 1500 for Laptop. for first year.</p>

<p>I wasnt sure if it was or not, but the estimation could drop approx 7-9k + depending what you have and what you need</p>