anyone got in to a TOP 20 UNIVERSITY with a C or D??

<p>what the title says...</p>

<p>some universities, like princeton, don’t look at freshman grades so its entirely possible to get into a good school with C’s as long as those C’s are from freshman year.</p>

<p>Do you mean a C as an overall grade or would you count a C as a quarter grade?</p>

<p>like a semester grade…so it counts toward ur gpa…

<p>I don’t doubt you can get in with a C if it’s only one. A D you’d have to explain, but if you have a good excuse it’s possible.</p>

<p>(My school goes by quarters, but every quarter does indeed count towards your GPA. I got a C one quarter in sophomore year but I’m not worried about it.)</p>

<p>Like the poster above me said, a D is a little more questionable, but very few C’s won’t hinder you. If you do a lot of activities and community service and the like, you should be fine.</p>

<p>I’m in a dual-enrollment program at a nearby uni. . & I got a C in calc last semester lol…my GPA didn’t really move too much because of all of my other grades being A’s. I got into Emory via EDI, so I assume the admissions office thought nothing much of it?</p>

<p>oook thanks guys!</p>

<p>I was thinking of dropping calc because of possible D (most likely because I skipped precalc LOL), but I guess colleges will definitely want me to work harder next semester and bring it to an A, no? My gpa will still be 3.8ish, so hopefully it’ll be ok.</p>

<p>Iwannagotobrown :(</p>

<p>i will attempt Penn with a C in AP US</p>

<p>Just because Princeton doesn’t use freshman year to create a weighted GPA doesn’t mean that they don’t look at your first year grades.</p>

<p>I know for a fact that a guy in my school’s class of 2007 had two C’s his freshman year. He’s now attending Princeton.</p>

<p>hey guys… I scored a D in my accounting. Yes this is a subject that is not compulsary in the US. My reason is, I disliked the subject and ignorantly took up the test in my A level, something which I could have avoided. How do I explain this? Would a lack of interest be a good reason?.. or not say anything about it?</p>

<p>I’m not saying you can’t get into Princeton with 2 C’s freshman year. I’m just saying that to think that Princeton can’t see your Freshman year grades would be a mistake.</p>

<p>My d got into a top 20 with a grade of D in Calc III (a one semester class) in her Sr year.</p>

<p>Mimanchi, I would explain why, but it better be a legit reason. </p>

<p>Northeastmom, I’m getting a C in calc. Help me :(</p>

<p>I got deferred because I had a D in AP Physics junior year… so yeah, it definitely hurts your chances. But the school told me that it’ll take me if my 1st semester senior year grades bounce back.</p>

<p>Yeah, i just got into a top 15 university (ED) and i had 2 C’s and all the rest B’s my sophomore year. I have VERY legitimate reason though, and explained it very truthfully, and the next two years i got unbelievable grades in ridiculously hard classes, so…</p>

<p>oh wow…but phoenixtree u still got deferred soo hopefully ull get in RD!</p>


<p>so basically it’s ok to have a C as long as the UW GPA is still pretty good right? :‘’(</p>

<p>my D got into a top 20 LAC w/ a C+ sophomore year in Honors Geometry. I think it would only hurt a lot if it was in an area of focus/possible major for you.</p>

<p>I had all A’s/A-'s and one C on my final quarter grade of Spanish II last year when I was a sophomore. Will this really damage my chances when colleges look at me? My GPA was a 3.78 UW with that C factored in and this year I have a 4.0 in the most rigorous classes possible at my school with the exception of taking Spanish III. Also, I plan on majoring in either computer science or engineering so it has nothing to do with my major. Thanks!</p>