Anyone got their AP scores in the mail yet???

<p>Wisconsin yet?</p>

<p>I heard they came in IL, so...?</p>

<p> like on the border of norcal and socal and i still havent gotten worried</p>

<p>I heard the West Coast gets them 1st week in July, Central gets them 2nd week, East Coast 3rd Week</p>

<p>I got mine from my college while at orientation. :) nothing has come for me personally in the mail though.</p>

<p>Two 4's for me... Psych and English Lit/Comp. I'm happy with it, since it got me 6 college credits at my school.</p>

<p>Does it matter how many or which tests you took? Seriously, I am very impatient this year. Last year, I received them early in the first week of July, but I only took the World History one.</p>

<p>no i don't think it matters how many you take.</p>

<p>I got my scores in the mail in FL.</p>

<p>But that was because my COLLEGE sent me their own score report telling me what I got. I have 40 credits coming into my first year and I'm considered a sophomore! :)</p>

<p>erhswimming, you got my hopes up. :(</p>

<p>I really want to find out my AP Scores soon! Why does Florida receive them so late!</p>

<p>Got mine today in MICHIGAN.</p>

<p>Got mine in Kansas today</p>

<p>the mail has not come to my house yet, but a friend of mine in austin got his today. so hopefully that means all of TX!</p>

<p>I doubt it. Texas is too damn big - don't expect it all in one day if Cali didn't get it all at once.</p>

<p>I'm in Houston, but I'm crossing my fingers anyways. The mailman is like half an hour later than he usually is.</p>

<p>i'm from houston too! the mailman doesn't come 'til around 4 here. i think we're about due for our scores though. i'm pretty sure it was this week last year that we got them</p>

<p>Got mine just now. Arvada, Colorado.</p>

<p>What ugly, boring, barren score reports.</p>

<p>They need to jazz these things up.</p>

<p>Give 'em some oompf.</p>

<p>Ah well.</p>

<p>I got mine in Minnesota.</p>

<p>The Agony!</p>

<p>In Wisconsin My S just got his scores this afternoon. We are very happy</p>

<p>Disneyguy, where in Minnesota do you live?</p>

<p>I think most of the metro area of MN got theirs.</p>

<p>I got mine in Minnesota too, I live in brooklyn Park. Which is by minneapolis</p>