<p>Has anyone appealed a denial to a school and had it accepted?
How hard is it on average to have it accepted?
And if you don't mind sharing what was your reason?</p>
<p>Just need help deciding if I should apply to a school if I'm 80% sure I'll get denied and have to appeal!</p>
<p>I wouldn’t count on appealing. I have never personally heard of someone successfully doing that. If you don’t think you’re going to get in just apply and see what happens.</p>
<p>@ TransferToIvy awe that’s a bummer to hear!
but ok thanks for your input!</p>
<p>Don’t apply with the mindset that you’ll be denied and need to appeal, in case it somehow comes across in your essays that you’re anticipating a rejection. If you’re qualified, just go for it! Don’t even worry about appealing until the time comes. :)</p>
<p>I’m .5 away GPA wise and 10 credits short from being qualified
I had to drive back and forth from school to take care of my mom when she got sick so I had to have a light school load and I didn’t exactly do great from the stress
and this school doesn’t offer a transfer essay from my research :(((</p>
<p>Should I write the appeal/personal statement with my application or just wait and see…?</p>
<p>I don’t think you’ll be accepted if you don’t have the credits.
Is there any way you can take another year to get the credits before applying to transfer? That way, you’d be able to raise your GPA and be a shoo-in. If cost is an issue, and you aren’t already at a CC, could you go to one to make up the credits, and reduce the cost to you?</p>
<p>I hope your mom’s doing better now!</p>
<p>I’m about to start this fall at my local CC I just can’t figure out how to change my username…lol. I wanted to apply for spring because after this fall semester I’d have the credits and gpa but they want me to have the gpa/credits when I apply which is annoying because I’ll have it when I started if I got in</p>
<p>Worse comes to worse I will most likely apply for fall 2013 I just wanted to get out of my hometown and establish residency in Georgia! And take summer school there</p>