Anyone have any encouraging or funny move-in stories?

D2 just moved into an all girls dorm (not her choice, but oh well). DH found to his chagrin there was no male bathrooms on the floor (one downstairs in the dining hall but that was closed on move-in day) and he didn’t want to be the dad that was discovered using the girls bathroom so he held it in. He had drunk his coffee and a glass of juice at breakfast - you never saw someone unpack boxes faster than he did!

On my freshman move-in day, the school told me that I was missing a booster shot and had to immediately go to health services for the shot before I could get my room key. While I was sitting on the exam table waiting for my shot, a bee stung me on the back of my neck! (Yes, indoors in the health clinic while I was sitting perfectly still to get ready for the shot.) I had to do the getting-to-know-you circle with my floor mates with a big ice pack on my swollen neck. Welcome to college!

My S was best friends with the cutest girl from the age of 2 until we moved the summer before S started 8th grade. The two lost touch during HS. S and his dad made a trip to the campus bookstore on move-in day to get a longer cable cord. Lo and behold, S’s friend was standing in the check- out line. The two were so excited to be attending the same college. Although I secretly hoped that one day they’d marry (which didn’t happen), they rekindled their friendship and got together at least once a week for lunch or dinner throughout their 4 years together on campus.

My sophomore D moved herself into her new single room. She said it took her about 2-1/2 hours. She also got a big kick out of reporting that two male friends of hers took 11 hours to move into their double. The reason? Both of their moms were “helping.”

I moved in 2 weeks ago today and there weren’t any problems. My roommate and I get along great and our parents get along as well which was nice. We arrived at pretty much the same time but there was enough space. At one point my dad left to go walk around and I found out a few days later he was talking to one of my professors, but he didn’t even know she was my professor! So that was strange especially since the professor is the one who told me! But nothing bad happened and later that night the girls from down the hall helped us raise my roommate’s bed because maintaince never showed up. So that was a good icebreaker @myjanda I go to a women’s college so my father had to find the all gender single bathroom in another building, but he knew he would have to. Speaking of bathrooms, the bathrooms on my floor were closed the first week due to renovations so we had to go to a different floor or into the connecting residence hall. It was a pain but now the bathrooms are really nice