Anyone have UW-La Crosse on their list that is also applying to Uw-Madison ?

Anyone accepted at La Crosse yet? My son is accepted there and it looks like it is his second choice after Madison. I don’t see much written about it on College Confidential.

It isn’t on the radar for most CC posters. It is the second choice option for many of the best HS students from WI. Those from the state will find out about it from other sources, including people they know. You may also notice that there are very few posters from Wisconsin who bother with this website regarding UW (Madison). I came to it years ago when son was considering some big names out of our region.

@sunflowergrower My son was accepted to UW-La Crosse. He will be applying to Madison. La Crosse is not his first choice, but it is on his very short list.

I’m a current freshman at UW, and I applied to Madison, UWEC, and UWLX, receiving a scholarship to the two latter. I love Madison and the opportunities, but it’s really easy to feel like just a number here. Many of the professors don’t know my name, and you have to fight to seek out opportunities for yourself–they aren’t handed to you. Sometimes I wish I went to La Crosse, not only for financial reasons but also it’s a smaller school with a more welcoming environment. It’s a trade-off either way. I’m currently involved in a research lab, and that’s an opportunity that I wouldn’t get at a smaller school.

I was also accepted into UW-Lax, but Madison is definitely my first. La Crosse gave me a small scholarship of $1000, but I still waiting to hear back from my top two.

UW-Madison students tend to be self motivated and independent. Much better environment for some than other schools. No hand holding! I would not have had it any other way eons ago nor for those in recent years. It is not just another UW campus.