Anyone in SCUBA club?

<p>Just some advice to new freshmen thinking of getting certified based on my kids experience. Yes, the course is discounted but you will need to plan on buying certain amount of equipment which you would need to buy anyway ie. fins, mask, dive bag, etc… I think at the time I paid about $200 for this in addition to the course. Then you take the course on campus which is fine but in order to complete the certifications you will need to do 2 open water dives. In order to sign up for the dive you have to physically go to the dive shop and pay them for the dive. No, they will not take a credit card over the phone. So, you need to call them on Tues/Wed to see if a boat is going out over the weekend and if it is then you need to see if there are any openings. If there still are open spaces then you need to get to the dive shop as soon as possible to pay them and get your name on the list for the dive. On Friday you need to go and get the tanks, and other gear from the dive shop, and on Saturday you need to drive to where the boat is leaving, then when you are done you need to return the tanks and gear to the dive shop. The problem is that you are a freshman and do not have a car which is a problem given the need to go back/forth to the dive shop. Now if you take the class in September, there is less people trying to get on an open water dive, but if you take the class in October/November you are competing with lots of other kids who may have taken the course in September and are still trying to get out to an open water dive. And you have to do 2 dives for the certification. Yes, the dive shop works with you on getting you through the certification but as a freshman it is very frustrating unless you have access to a car. So if you will not have a car on campus, my advice is to wait until you do have access to car if you plan to get your certification while at UM. If you have a car, and do take the course at UM, then try to get the open water dives out of the way as quick as possible as the boat fills up fast!</p>


<p>This is SVMMom’s daughter. </p>

<p>It is true that you need to get your own mask, fins, snorkle. mouthpieces, and booties for the course (which can range anywhere from $100-$200 in addition to the cost of the course, and you’ll want to own those anyway, because the fit is very personal) - however, Underwater Unlimited is within walking distance (granted, it’s a bit of a hike) of the school, and they give a UM discount (just say you’re from UM). Austin’s is a little farther away (you need to drive), but they tend to have better stuff and a nicer, more knowledgeable staff. Again, with them, say you’re with the UM SCUBA club and ask for a discount, and they’ll usually give it to you. If you coordinate with upperclassmen in the club, there is usually someone who’s gong to make a run to the dive shop, and can give you a ride.</p>

<p>As for the OW dives you need to finish off your certification, those are part of, and scheduled into, the course. Yes, you do need to pay for the dives (when I took the course two years ago I think it was around $50 for two days of diving, with two dives each day) and coordinate rides to get to the dive site, but usually it’s not that difficult, and if you really need it, Charlie (the instructor) does rent a van and charges $10 for a spot in the van. You don’t need to rent any additional equipment (ie BCD, reg, tanks, weights, wetsuit if needed, etc) for the course - it’s all included, and Charlie brings it to the pool and OW session in his pickup truck.</p>