Anyone interested in Raikes this year?

Raikes is one of the programs my D20 is interested in for next year. I’m just wondering whether anyone here applied or has heard anything this year.

The Raikes program is long closed for this year (2023) if she is interested then there are some summer programs she can apply to and attend ran by their program and start taking computer programs ASAP. If you get a chance go to the Nebraska Campus day next month - we did and got to meet the team behind Raikes and learn more about it. I would send my child hands down there over many larger schools. My son decided against Raikes because of his area of focus but as a woman in tech myself - one of the best programs i’ve ever seen.

Thanks, @HHSMomx2, that’s good information. By closed, do you mean that they’ve had interviews, selected the recipients and the deadline for response has passed? I ask because D20’s current first choice is USC and they don’t typically give a decision until late March.

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Correct. Closed for Freshman in Fall of '19. Interviews are complete and notifications sent. Hope that helps.

just if you’re interested: my 2020 kiddo attended an info session about Raikes for 2020. They said about 200 apply; 100 are interviewed and 40 get in. Average ACT is 33; but you can apply with a low 30. It’s a good program!

Thanks, @bgbg4us! It really does sound like a good program, and those odds are a lot better than most programs of that type! I’ve read a bunch about it, but what about it appeals most to you?

To your question of what appeals to me: multiple key disciplines represented, links to business and internships, cohort association/community and strong Raikes leadership. Are you a NE resident? URM or female? Strong comp sci EC’s? 33+ACT? Leadership roles?

I’m the parent. She is not a NE resident.

The good: D20 is likely NMF with a 1580 SAT in about the top 10% of her class (doesn’t rank) at a rigorous private prep school. Course load next year consists of Calc BC, Statistics, CS, Econ + required language classes.

The not as good: EC’s consist of year-round soccer plus 4x varsity soccer; probably will captain as a senior, and a part-time job. D20 recently decided she doesn’t want to play varsity in college (would like to play club women’s soccer if available), but up until this year, I think she was hoping to. Comp sci EC’s are modest, at best.

For those interested, you can follow Raikes on the Socials. I would also recommend adding to your campus tour if visiting UNL.

My kid will be graduating from Raikes soon. It’s been a wonderful experience. He got a good education, excellent paid internships every summer, won various regional coding contests with classmates. The cohort model builds close friendships in small classes with people in your future field. The blend of programming and business is unique and gives an edge. The dorms are newish and comfortable, campus amenities are nice, and town walkable, cute and safe. He’s set up for a job on graduation earning in the 6 figures and made life long friends. Very thankful for Raikes.

Six figures from Raikes!! Wow, I didn’t think that was possible. I was thinking about applying, but was actually looking at more selective private colleges on the coasts, however, they will be obviously charging more for education. If Raikes graduates are making six figures, then I may rethink my priority application and look at the value proposition from Raikes. Would you be willing to provide me with a little more information regarding what your son’s specific major was and what general industry/company he will be working in?

Hi Gughygurus, Sorry for the late reply. I didn’t see your message until now. The Raikes students take all the same core classes. There are only about 40 admits each year. Most major in Computer Engineering/ Computer Programming and minor in Business. Some reverse that with a major in Business and a minor in Computers. A few major in Actuary or Biomedical but still have to take all the core courses in Programming. It is very rigorous. Kids work hard and learn a lot. They do get competitive internships at Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Apple, the stock exchange, Moody’s Analytics, the federal government in Washington DC, etc. My son and other graduates have gotten starting offers from right out of graduation for $125K/year - ish from both their internship employers and from Silicon V. tech startups. Plus with hiring bonuses and stock options some offers are equivalent to $140-180/year for the first few years. Keep in mind that interviews for internships and jobs are all skills-based: you are given technical problems to solve with a time limit. So brand name school pedigree won’t help you get in the door. You solve the problems or you don’t. That said, the schools that seem to send the most kids to the prestigious summer internships ($40/ are from Raikes UNL, MIT, Waterloo in Canada, UC Berkley, U of WA, UT Austin, CalTech, Carnegie Melon, Stanford. Let me know if you have more questions.

The deadline for applying is this week! Anyone else here applying besides my D20?

yes my s20 is. it’s been hard for him to write those short essays. he toured the program this week and it’s pretty cool. good luck!

@bgbg4us good luck to your S20 as well! I don’t think D20 is done with all of her essays for the program yet, but that is the only thing on her college app to do list right now…

@VryCnfsd -oh man, we are with you! I can’t tell you how much my kid has procrastinated. He’s not finished; has started 2 out of 3; and is busy every day/evening starting 10/30 through 11/3. He has a lot of good traits. But writing essays is not one of them. I think he’s applying to a few top schools that all require essays, so that will be next.

Good luck, @bgbg4us! My S17 took things in his own time and just about drove me mad! But in the end he got everything done that needed to be done, and I’m sure yours will as well. D20 likes Raikes a lot, but she is a bit concerned that her cohort will be too nerdy… that and the weather are her only concerns.

Agreed on all the above. Lots of essays and it was a battle to get them done for Raikes and other schools. Everything is in, so just sit back and see what rolls in.
We visited last summer and Raikes would be a great opportunity. Good luck to everyone.

Does anyone know when invitations to interview were sent out in previous years?

@VryCnfsd I recently asked about it. It’s in December that invites would be sent. Interview dates are 1/17-1/18 and 1/31-2/1.