Anyone interested in Tepper?

<p>Hey everyone,</p>

<p>After reading the post about the huge ranking difference between US News and Businessweek, i am confused how good Tepper(CMU) really is.</p>

<p>Is it considered one of the most elite undergrad business school in the states?
i hope so cuz that's what it says on CMU's web.</p>

<p>Thanks for the sharing!!! I appreciate it=)</p>

<p>Anyone , plzzzzzz?</p>

<p>I would take more interest in the BusinessWeek rankings because they actually specialize in the field.</p>

<p>uuughh, i believed the USNews one. that’s why I applied to Tepper ED…</p>

<p>You may want to post the actual rankings if you want good feedback. Everyone shouldn’t have to hunt this information down to properly answer your question.</p>

<p>So here are the rankings for Tepper</p>

<p>US NEWS: #6, placed right after Stern.
Business Week: # 22, placed after Wake Forest U.</p>

<p>US NEws ranking:
1 University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 4.8156
2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 4.6192
3 University of California–Berkeley Berkeley, CA 4.4475
University of Michigan–Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI 4.4366
5 New York University New York, NY 4.3038
6 Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 4.1725</p>

<p>Here is the link for businessweek undergrad program ranking</p>

<p>[Undergrad</a> - BSchools](<a href=“]Undergrad”></p>

<p>i was shocked to find that tepper was not even ranked top 20 in businessweek and the teaching faculty is ranked C, along with the B job placement …</p>

<p>i was shocked to find that tepper was not even ranked top 20 in businessweek and the teaching faculty is ranked C, along with the B job placement …</p>

<p>I still think that Tepper is great. Rankings don’t always mean everything since they shift every year (it also depends on the program within the business school you are looking to enter). For example, UC Berkeley was 3rd last year but it dropped all the way to 11th. Also, you never know who will end up with a job. LOL, pessimistically, all of us going into business will probably end up broke (as we watch the economy fail) U_U </p>

<p>By the way, congratulations on your acceptance :] !</p>