Anyone involved in the Biocore program?

<p>Just looking for feedback on the program. Was it what you expected? Pros and Cons?</p>

<p>The program has been around for many decades- has longevity and was good eons ago, likely even better now. Honors level courses and with chemistry prereq (Organic) means more substance than entry level biology. Sorry- no recent experience, but the fact it still exists says something.</p>

<p>Some kids were in it in my dorm freshman year.</p>

<p>Get ready to WORK. And work harder than the already incredibly stretched chem/bio/engineering students. I don’t know much about specifics, but the kids I’ve known in it are always held in high regard when they say they’re in Biocore, and didn’t have much time for socializing on weekends.</p>

<p>How hard one works depends on many factors. It may take hard work but you get out at least as much as you put into it- some other courses will take less time but the yield to you will also be much less. Don’t worry about the social time quoted, some students spend less/more time on academics/social life than others. You decide your priorities and goals. You do not need to worry about being able to handle the work. I doubt the other majors work less hard than quoted- Biocore is not an elementary level sequence (it is 300 level)-upper level courses require work in all majors. You can discuss things with your advisor at SOAR. Biocore courses are for the serious student, not someone just trying to get biology breadth requirements met.</p>