Anyone know about a pathways elective that isn't too time consuming and can give me enough credits?

So when I started college I had transfer credits for English, which means I didn’t have to take the class. However, I was just told by my advisor that this means I have to take a different class to make up for the hours I won’t be in English. I was wondering, do you know any pathways electives that might give me enough credits for my first semester (I currently have 13) and which ones would you say are the least time consuming? I was part of the Morality and Justice pathway elective but realized it was too much of a time commitment with the reading and all and I’d rather focus more on my main studies than a pathways elective. I barely have any time to choose so I could really use your help, I’d really appreciate it!

Your 2nd sentence doesn’t make sense re: the total credits needed for graduation. You don’t need to take add’l credits to make up for credits that have already transferred. Maybe you/they mean you need a class to have a 15+ hour semester this fall?

  • Design Appreciation is a good one, but likely already full.
  • Music Appreciation is almost guaranteed to be full - you'll be lucky to get that class at all if you request it even in later years.
  • Mission to the Planets was a good one my student took.
  • There was another GEO class as well but I can't remember it.
  • World Regions is known as an easy A but there is a lot of work involved.
  • International Business (I think it's under HTML) was apparently not too bad.

Good luck!