Anyone know anything about the Computer Science or BIT program?

<p>I'm currently enrolled in a Computer Science program at a local community college with hopes of transferring to VT in the future. To me it looks like they have a REAL good Business Information Technology program and also a really hard Computer Science program. I'm just wondering how good both of the programs really are in terms of marketability/job placements. Also, is the CS program really worth more of the extra rigor involved due to it being in the College of Engineering? I was considering switching to BIT after seeing how tough the CS one is.</p>

<p>Tom - it depends on what you are interested in. If you want to be on the inside of designing and building hardware, networks or complex software, then CS is the right path. If you are more interested in applying computer technology to solving business problems, then BIT is for you. Both are highly recruited by employers. Both have the opportunity to build cool technology solutions. It just depends where your interests lie.</p>

<p>Both interest me very much. There’s things about both disciplines that I really like. My main goals are to go for a degree that will make me very marketable in the IT/Computing industry and also to make a lot of money. Not trying to sound shallow about wanting to make money, it’s just that I’ll eventually have to be taking care of my mom financially. Both seem like great degrees with great recruiting. I just don’t know which would be more marketable/have better opportunities in the long run.</p>