Anyone know where to find past ACT tests online?

<p>I want more accurate practice tests, but I can't find any. I have the Red Book and PR, but I need more! Anyone know of a place online that I can find them?</p>

<p>There's one on, and there are 10 full practice tests from petersons on Not sure about how accurate the tests are from march2success though. It's a pretty neat site, it's got a timer for your tests, statistical view of your scores, and a minigame. But Ive found a few errors in some of the tests out of 4 full ones I've taken. And also you kinda waste time from waiting 1 second for the next question to load ya know?</p>

<p>I've done the one on the website, but I have not checked out march2success. I've heard of some people having past ACT tests that they ordered, you wouldn't happen to know where to find any of these uploaded tests, do you?</p>

<p>don't do the tests on It only aggravates u cuz website doesn't facilatate ur test taking as opposed to taking a test on paper.
So don't waste ur time.....that website ****** me off. and btw, sum probs on there are not right.</p>

<p>Yeah, the site's just a good source of practice questions. And about the uploaded tests, I haven't tried looking for them, you should try googling it :p</p>


<p>I am form a 'developing' country and there is not a freakin' ACT preparation book in my country.All the blind sheep here go for SAT an the seats are booked 2 months in advanced so ACT is the only option. ANd we don't know how to prepare...</p>

<p>Some of my seniors did give ACT last year, but they were a talented bunch, averaged 32 without any practice.. So anyone interested in helping a nation out???</p>

<p>Runil, couldn't you just order from Amazon or</p>

<p>March2success is pretty good. Some of the questions have errors, and they are pretty obvious. It has a total of 7 full-length, timed practice tests which is good if you want to up your score.</p>