anyone know????

<p>Does anyone know how they do housing? I'm sending my housing form in tomorrow and I just want to know the chances of getting one of my top 6 or 7 residences. Do people usually get one of their top choices?</p>

<p>Everyone who sends in their housing form by the day listed on the form they send you, goes into the same applicant pool. So if you get in in March, but meet the deadline, you are in the same situation as someone who got in in September, but met the deadline. Once they have all of these people in the database, they enter in their choices in order. A computer randomly selects students in no particular order and places them in their highest ranked choice still available. So if the computer randomly chooses you first in the whole pool, you would get choice number 1. If the computer randomly chooses you towards the back of the pack, it would try your first choice, then your second, and so on until it found a hall that still had room. It is possible that you could get shut out, but highly unlikely if you meet the deadline. After that it is all luck.</p>

<p>Thanks! that makes sense, I just really don't want to get put in one of my last choices...</p>

<p>Well it seems like about half of the acceptees are attracted to the quieter more serene Lakeside, and half to the raucous party atmosphere in the Southeastern section. It seems like everyone who gets into the dorms gets a top 1-7 choice, but thats just my observation, nothing scientific. All you can do is get it in asap and wait, thats what I did.</p>

<p>Yea, well I got my housing app sent to me in mid December and the deadline is Feb 1st. I'm sending it in tomorrow but you said as long as you meet the deadline it doesnt matter right?</p>

<p>Yes, it won't matter whether its postmarked tommorrow, or Feb 1. They do it in waves. Anyone accepted between like Dec. 15 and Jan. 15 will have a Feb. 1 date. I got in on Jan 3, and my date is also Feb 1, and I will send it tomorrow. On Feb 1, they will stop accepting housing apps from this period, and they will enter your preferences from 1-17 into the computer. But then they wait until May when they know how large the incoming class will be etc, and they eliminate the names from the computer who opted not to enroll. Then the computer will start randomly choosing names and awarding them their top overall choice. For the record, I just finished my housing app, sealed it and will mail it tommorrow. My order is: Chad, Smith, Sellery, Witte, Barnard, Liz Waters and Ogg. The rest are dorms I really don't want to live in, but If I have to, I won't mind. Hopefully we both get lucky. What's your list looking like?</p>

<p>i was accepted 11/3 and my deadline was feb 1st also.. seems like a pretty big pool... when i filled out my app, i noticed that at the bottom of the page where you rank all of the residence halls you have to sign something that says that if you are put in one of the "learning centers" or one of the special public halls you must abide by the rules and take part of community activites, etc... but at the top of the section where you rank them, it says you MUST rank ALL of the choices. so did I have to sign that part at the bottom? because i do not want to be placed in, women in science and engineering for example. but i did sign the thing at the bottom, only because i wasnt sure what would happen if i didnt. I just dont understand why they make you rank all of the choices and then make you say that youll abide by all the rules of the choices that you might not want.. if anyone understood that.</p>

<p>You won't get one of the special learning communities unless its a top 3 or 4 choice, and not chadbourne/barnard unless its a 1 or 2 choice. There are enough people wanting to go into those programs that they don't force you in.</p>