Anyone majoring in marketing--stern?

<p>Does anyone know what the most popular majors at stern are??? also i heard for a major like marketing the first 2 years are basically just taking classes in CAS....
also--- anybody who is in marketing at stern now--- can you offer some helpful insight into what its like??? im really interested in like marketing and entertainment/music/movies and stuff</p>

<p>My brother comes home from stern on thursday, i’ll see if he can answer some of your questions.</p>

<p>finance is probably popular</p>

<p>personally im doing a finance major with specialization in entreprenuership</p>

<p>1.) The most popular majors at Stern are unquestionably finance and accounting. There are even some clubs that won’t allow you in unless you’re those majors (Beta Alpha Psi fraternity, for example)</p>

<p>2.) The thing you heard about being a marketing major is false. There are a bunch of CAS requirements; writing classes, science classes, math, world cultures, philosophy–but after that, it’s Stern.</p>

<p>3.) Actually, yeah, I’m a marketing-management double major, with an entertainment business minor. They just started the entertainment business minor this year so you kind of lucked out. I’ve yet to take any marketing classes, but that’s because I’m a transfer and I have all of these little requirements to finish first. I will say that there are some good clubs, like the Marketing Society and the Stern & Tisch Entertainment Business Association, that help you figure out your stuff.</p>

<p>Also, you don’t need to be in any rush to take all the Stern classes you possibly can. I can assure you that you can save some stress for later.</p>

<p>I thought Entertainment, Media, and Communication Technology was as Marketing concentration. You have to declare it as a minor now?</p>

[Marketing</a> Department | Academic Programs](<a href=“]Marketing”>
over here it shows like the first stern classes you take start around junior year… so do you really take any stern classes the first 2 years?</p>

<p>Does anyone know the answer to my question?
EMT would be my concentration of choice but I had another minor in mind.</p>

<p>My previous post was:
“I thought Entertainment, Media, and Communication Technology was as Marketing concentration. You have to declare it as a minor now?”</p>