Anyone recieved ELC letters from UCs last year

<p>They sent us a letter before Nov last year, that "you earned a guranteed spot for UC <em>school</em> ". It is for those who are top 4% in their school rank and were accpeted to the ELC program. I revieved the letters from all UCs except UCLA and UCB, which I totally expect they would do that. Do we 100% guarantee get accepted to school of choice? In terms we put effort into our applications including the essays.</p>

<p>What? I don't understand the question...</p>

<p>me neither. i dont think UCSD guarentees spots to ELC by the way</p>

<p>Umm let me try to say it this way, had anyone recieve a letter that you got accepted in the ELC program for the UCs?</p>

<p>a brief decription:
"The Eligibility in the Local Context (ELC) program recognizes students' individual accomplishments in light of the opportunities offered by their particular high schools. If you rank in the top 4 percent of students in your California high school's graduating class as determined by UC, and your high school participates in the program, you can become UC-eligible through ELC."</p>

<p>If you were admitted to this, you should recieved mails from most UCs saying you are guaranteed a spot to UC so and so. I'll show one of the letters I recieved in october,</p>

<p>"Dear so and so,
The University of California has confirmed you as amoung the stat's top students via your selection for The Eligibility in the Local Context (ELC) program. As a result, you are garanteed admission to the University of California Irvine (UC Irvine) in most majors and we strongly encourage you to apply...."</p>

<p>So the question im asking is that by recieving a letter like this, is it 100% we get accpeted for those in ELC?</p>

<p>For UCI, there should be a list of majors that are not guaranteed, at the bottom.
If you didn't apply for one of those majors, you should be guaranteed in.</p>

<p>Ok thank you, I did read the excluded ones. Im happy they didnt exclude my major :)</p>

<p>umm ya ucb, ucla, and ucsd dont guarantee admission if you are elc i think they jsut accept a higher percentage of elc applicants (its definitely a bump)
ucd and the others do though i believe...i got a letter from ucd saying that i was guaranteed admission for any major of my choice, so i guess that's it</p>

I am an ELC student. I received a letter saying that I was guaranteed into the UC system but not necessarily the school of my choice. However, I did not receive ELC letters from each individual school. Does that mean I'm not guaranteed???? I already got accepted into Irvine's CHP Biology, but what about Davis and SB?</p>