Anyone register for Capstone Scholars Day on Saturday and not going?

<p>Hi All
Sorry for the crazy long title. I am trying to see if anyone registered for Capstone Honors Day but is not going on Saturday. </p>

<p>Hubby started a new job, and now he cannot join us on Friday as we planned. We are meeting w/ Dr. Sharpe and w/ the head of my DD’s area of study, along w/ a tour etc. All of this was arranged specifically so he could see how amazing UA is. </p>

<p>So now he either attends the Honors Day program on Saturday or he sits in the hotel. LOL I would love it if we could both attend just because I know that - and I will say it gently - he tends to ‘miss’ some of the important info. He’s a ‘just the headlines’ kind of guy, if you know what I mean. </p>

<p>If I don’t find anyone, then I guess I will be spending the day shopping! Anyone want to join me?</p>

<p>If you did sign up and are not going, please PM me.
Thanks so much-</p>