Anyone Still Need a Roommate?

<p>So I just committed to Miami yesterday, and I'm having trouble finding a roommate. Here's a little bit about me. </p>

<p>I'm from Chicago planning on majoring in electrical engineering with a possible minor in economics and/or Spanish, Academics are my absolute priority, but I want to have fun too. I'm do not drink and I don't do drugs. I'm not really into parties, but I may go to one occasionally. I am a really laid back and chilled out person. I like my room relatively neat, but I am in no way a neat freak. I prefer a cooler temperature in the room than a warmer temperature. I am a huge basketball fan and I love to play it, although I'm not the greatest. I will probably spend most of my free time in the wellness center, extra curricular activities and or course, studying. I'm a night shower. I love all types of music except hard rock/metal or country western. I have ABSOLUTELY NO INTEREST in Greek Life. I plan on living on the substance free floors in Stanford. I'm not weird, I just want a quieter environment where I can focus on my school work and not deal with drunk student. I also want to meet like minded people who aren't about drinking, but about academics. I'm not that traditional Miami student who prefers partying over school. I'm coming here for academics and that's the way it's going to be.</p>

<p>I'll add more facts about me if I think of any. If you are interested, private message me just discuss in the thread.</p>

<p>Thank You very much.</p>

I’ll pass along to my son who is also interested in Stanford. Do you have a FB page? If so PM me and I’ll pass that along too.</p>

<p>If things don’t work out with Bio’s DS- try adjusting something on your roommate search profile that’s not critical to you. Last year my son adjusted his wakeup time by one hour and found his roommate. There are many students like you at the “U” keep looking!</p>

<p>Did you find a roommate. My S is looking for a roommate. He said he was having trouble with Facebook.</p>

<p>I found a roommate.</p>