Anyone Successfully Transfer First Year to UVA

Hello, I am looking to transfer to UVA I initially, didn’t think I would want to go to UVA but after spending some time there and meeting people on campus and hearing them talk about the school, I realized it is the right place for me. I am a first year student, I have tons of AP credit and I am taking 18 credit hours this semester (taking 6 more over winter) in order to meet the 24 credit hour minimum. Some deans are telling me to go for it that I can do it and one dean flat out told me it won’t happen, he’s never seen a first year student do it and it won’t ever happen. So my question is, is it possible to successfully transfer to UVA, I am applying under Econ if that makes any difference. I have APs, I have rigorous college courses (200 level and higher as a freshman), I am willing to work and I want to at least try and transfer. Thanks in advance.

Edit: Also, if you have successfully transferred to UVA can you give a bit of insight on your credentials such as GPA, school you were applying in to, ECs, etc? Thanks

There are definitely students who apply to transfer after their first year elsewhere.
You’ll have more luck connecting with students on Reddit. :slight_smile: