Anyone taking classes over the summer?

<p>I thought about doing this to get some gen. ed. credits. Anyone else doing this, can you tell me the process of doing this because I don't know where to begin?</p>

<p>Go on line, look for summer courses at your local schools;Apply to and then register for courses at your community colleges and ascertain that the courses will transfer into the university you are attending in the fall; registration for summer is going on now…generally most intro courses transfer with a “C” or better, but check first w/college and your major.</p>

<p>The previous post failed to touch on the most important step: Before registering at the school for classes over summer, you need to have the course approved as being “equivalent” to the UM version of the course. Credits won’t transfer if you don’t get them pre-approved.</p>

<p>You can pick up the course equivalency form from your advisor. You print out the course description from the summer school and bring it to the respective department chair to sign off that it’s equivalent. You turn in this form at UM, THEN you are cleared to register at another school, take the class, and have the credits transferred.</p>