Thought I would open a thread for folks to vent about how lame summer quarter is in terms of workload. I am taking SPAN122 and ENG111 at BC to meet CADR requirements for an Autumn start, if I get in.
Anyone else taking Summer term classes?
Thought I would open a thread for folks to vent about how lame summer quarter is in terms of workload. I am taking SPAN122 and ENG111 at BC to meet CADR requirements for an Autumn start, if I get in.
Anyone else taking Summer term classes?
Yeah Im taking CHEM 163 at Green River (162 at the UW) and its pretty intense. The teacher is also leaving a week early so we only have 7 weeks for class.
That sounds like a lot of fun. So much busy work in my two classes. Its like death by a thousand papercuts.
I am taking Math 146, which is statistics, Eng 112, intro to fiction, and Soc 101 at SCC. They are all pretty easy so far