Anyone taking their pre-req in winter? Regarding winter grade..

<p>Hello. I know that I have asked similar question before but I'm kind of worried now. I'm taking ucla's last pre-req course in winter as a philosophy major but I didn't do well on my midterm today..(I work full time...) so I was wondering if ucla is going to ask me for the winter grade in February? I'm asking this because last year, ucla asked for winter grades from several people who took their pre-req in winter by emailing. I'm really hoping that they won't ask for my winter grade ): am I too concerned? Any inputs will be appreciated! Thank you in advance!</p>

<p>Oh by the way, I’m most likely going to get a B in class. I’m worried that I can’t get an A in my pre-req. That’s why I hope they don’t ask me.</p>