Anyone Truly Like Accounting?

<p>I guess this question is meant to determine whether I've got what it takes to go into accounting. I'm taking a financial accounting class right now, and it is one of the most boring classes I have encountered in my life, which leads me to wonder whether I should like this stuff in order to do well in it.</p>

<p>Does anyone have any tips about how I can motivate myself to learn this stuff? Maybe there's a good book out there that someone here can kindly recommend? I thought economics was fairly boring for instance, but I read Macroeconomics by Mankiw like a novel and it's now alot more tolerable, so I'm looking for the equivalent in accounting.</p>

<p>Introductory accounting is meant to be boring. It's the foundation of necessary credit/debit rules and abstract principles. Intro to managerial accounting is a bit better because you learn practical non-financial statement and bookkeeping applications to accounting, but it's essentially geared toward the memorization of certain procedures.
Only until intermediate accounting and your internships does the subject become interesting. Analyzing and designing systems is at the core of accounting. A company's chart of accounts can tell you a lot about its structure. Accountants, as auditors, consultants and in the private sector, take an in depth look at companies. Few things are more complicated in business as pricing systems and internal controls. But being able to communicate your findings to help managers is just as critical.
I think the following traits make a good accountant: analytical, strong in math (if only to calculate the impact of minute changes in one account or the other), eye for detail, consistency, thoughtful communication.</p>

<p>I really agree with ferryboat. If you can live through one, or two more classes, you'll enjoy it a lot more. Try listening to some of the financial news on tv, or online. You'll probably be able to relate what you learn to what you are hearing about a certain company not doing as well in the market and the financial pieces associated with it. I'll tell you what, the "Business Major" market is over-saturated with students and it is very hard to be placed with a company coming from a Business Admin Major. An Accounting Major can get you places a lot easier and has a lot more job security. Just look on the jobs forums and craigslist.</p>

<p>I do. I'm an accounting major because it's the only course I can pass without studying, refer to my username. I have always been unmotivated and unsure with what I want to do with my life. I just know that I want to stay in school and study. Eventually, I found out about accounting and needless to say, I was one of those people that had a blast studying it. Most of my friends think I am insane for choosing this major. Eventually, I'd like to get an MSAcc instead of an MBA or maybe even a PhD in Accounting. I don't know yet since I'm still pretty new to getting my act together. </p>

<p>As for a good book, I've met people who conquered their resistance towards accounting with a simple Schaum guide.</p>