Anyone who is doing the IB course?

<p>I am currently studying the IB course and I feel that it is more useful if you are going to the UK or Australia or something, </p>

<p>I really want to get in to a university in America but they are not that farmiliar with the course....its a huge advantage to people who are going to europe but not for me.....</p>

<p>Anybody having the same problem?</p>

<p>IB is valued a lot by American Unis, I think it’s even harder than AP. So you are fine</p>

<p>doing IB here and have the same question!
but there are SOME skls in US that i heard value IB alot
like northwester : P</p>

<p>and is it true that IB is harder than AP?</p>

<p>I wish I was doing it.</p>

<p>Both IB and AP are challenging. Each program however takes a different approach; AP allows for more specialization, since each course “stands alone.” IB diploma programme (the certificate program is more like AP) encourages a more well-rounded approach with their Group requirements.</p>

<p>Most schools recognize both IB and AP</p>

<p>University of Florida values IB a lot.</p>

<p>both IB and APs are challenging and both are valued at american unis so no advantages or disadvantages… i do believe that a full IB diploma might be a little more challenging because we’ve got to do CAS and the extended essay.</p>

<p>a lot of prestigious private schools in the US have IB courses as well as AP…
and from what i’ve heard,
IB is harder than AP…
so i’m pretty sure it’ll work in your favor if anything</p>