<p>How hard is it? My counselor showed strong disapproval of my plans to self-study with just a Barron's book for either. </p>
<p>How much/How should I study?
Is it hard? Is it too time-demanding? It is feasible to get 5's?
How many questions (%) do you need to get a 5?</p>
<p>Thank you so much!!! And if you have any other advice or tips, please please please let me know!!! Thank you again if you reply to my thread. :)</p>
<p>EDIT: Keep in mind, this is my first self-study ever and I haven't started. I haven't take any AP classes (none offered to sophs). I'm also studying for the SAT and have many ECs.</p>
<p>Human Geography is simple. You don’t need to read much at all - skim through text. Same thing with AP Psychology although I would give yourself more time with it.</p>
<p>It’s probably not a good idea to mention that you’ll be using only review books to study…</p>
<p>Anyway, I studied Barron’s for a good nine hours or so the day before the AP Psych exam and still pulled a 4. True story :). Start reading the review book now, and read over it a few times before the exam and you’ll do great. It really is a very easy AP to self-study. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask.</p>