Anyone with 4 CR sections?

<p>I had section 2 for CR then 4,5 and 9.
I dont exactly remember the passage for section 4 but
that one totally ruined me. I really hope that one was experimental</p>

<p>The ones I had were Nuclear, Comparison of some woman political activist with Frederick Douglass ,Film/Star Wars, and the biography of woman activist. </p>

<p>Anyone had same format as me?</p>

<p>i too had 2, 4, 5, and 9, but i had different ones, the only ones i got that were the same as u are political activist and nuclear</p>

<p>i also got a indian grandma and a college roommate article</p>

<p>Was the experimental section the one with 12 SC’s?</p>

<p>all cr were pretty much easy
Comparison of some woman political activist with Frederick Douglass i didnt get i got the other threethe experimetnal has someword in vocab with apocrypah</p>

<p>I never had 12 scs but i think i had two sections w/ 8 SCs…</p>

<p>And if I remember correctly</p>

<p>my first one was nuclear (secion 2)
second one was film/star wars comparison of Frederick Douglass with a rational emale African-American activist
third one was roommate and the art/detour thingy…
fourth one was short one about some biography and radical polticial philsophy of female political activist</p>

<p>I had 4 CR too. I think they were also 2, 4, 5, and 9. Mine were: </p>

<p>the woman writing a biography, double passage about nuclear power, little French boy visiting America, the passage about art being like detours off the highway of life, and the eccentric college roommate. I don’t remember the exact order they were in, though I’m pretty sure that the nuclear one was first</p>

<p>Is there more than one experimental per section?</p>

<p>I definitely had an extra CR somewhere, but I don’t remember reading about a French boy… On the contrary, I had a passage about Disney.</p>