Anything special for twins?

<p>Hey I am an identical twin and my brother and I both plan on going to college. Is there any special financial aid we can receive since our parents have to finance both of our educations? Also, when we enter college we will also have an older brother in college as well. Thanks for the help</p>

<p>The parent part of the FAFSA EFC is divided equally between siblings who are in college at the same time. So if the parent part of the EFC is 30,000, then with 3 in school at the same time it would be 10,000 per student. This may make you eligible for more need based aid depending on how high or low the EFC is. (financial need is based on need as determined by the schools Cost of Attendance less the EFC). Once your older brother graduates and there are just the 2 of you it would be 15,000 per student. Any portion of the EFC generated by the student’s income/assets would not change.</p>

<p>Other than that I don’t know of any special treatment for twins.</p>

<p>Ok thank you very much. You cleared the air for me</p>

<p>GW offers 50% off tuition if there are two at their school.</p>

<p>Wow that’s awesome. Is GW a good school?</p>

<p>It’s a very good school with an excellent reputation. ALso very expensive.</p>

<p>I think I’ve heard about some colleges doing a two for one scholarship deal, or half price for the second twin…you should google it and see what comes up.</p>

<p>If you’ve made a habit of attending the Twin’s Day’s festival in Twinsburg Ohio they offer a scholarship. You have to have attended something like five of the last seven festivals or something though.</p>

<p>Which reminds me, I need to check into that for my sons.</p>

<p>Lake Erie College in Ohio also offers a two-for-one deal.</p>

<p>Check Princeton</p>