Hi guys! So AP Art History recently caught my eye, and now I have an inexplicable need to take it. (Idk) Does it count as a fine arts class, or a history class? Is it extremely difficult? Is it something colleges will look at as useless because I will not be pursuing a career in art? I may apply to a humanities school, if that helps. Thanks!
For both HS and college, it depends on the school.
A big part of this depends on the student. If you know the difference between Monet and Manet, probably not. Also, the College Board revised the syllabus this year narrowing the number of works of art, so in theory, it should now be easier; I took the class under the old syllabus, so I have no first hand experience with the new class.
No college will view a course in which you are trying to expand your knowledge as “useless.”