AP Bio and A&P Honors

Hey my name is Francisco and i’m having trouble deciding what class to take. My junior is almost ending so my senior is coming up shortly. When deciding my classes next year i’m stuck between AP bio or A&P H. I already took A&P this year i have an A in that class. But i want to become a registered nurse one day, which one would better. I need advice.

Nursing admissions are competitive. Taking an AP Bio class is will better on your application than A&P Honors. Also, you may get credit out of the AP class, which will make your schedule much easier.

I am a high school senior, and I’m starting college in the fall, majoring in nursing. I took Anatomy & Physiology in my junior year, and this year I’m taking AP Bio. Definitely take AP Bio next year; this class is extremely important if you want to look like a competitive applicant for nursing programs. You have taken A&P already, so it would be more beneficial if you took AP Bio.

I’m a current nursing student and I took A&P in high school and did pretty well. I bought 8 credits for the class and I’m not sure if it’s because my nursing school is more competitive, but they made me repeat it even though I received an, so taking another year of A&P seems useless. Also conversely AP bio will really help you understand the basic physiology in A&P and looks super nice if you get an A and can knock out an elective if u get a 4 or 5.

Yes, my daughter also took AP bio in High School and received 8 college credits for it However, her college also did not exempt her from any of the bio requirements, because they considered their first nursing bio class to be a more advanced class than the college’s standard intro bio class.

In any case, the knowledge helped her in the college class, and the credits made her schedule much easier. Otherwise, she would have had to take 17 credits for several semesters.