<p>I'm trying to work out my junior year schedule. Almost all of my friends plan to take ap chem, and if they're not in that they're taking honors physics.I liked honors bio way more than honors chem and dislike math so I'm thinking of taking ap bio.</p>
<p>Is ap bio or ap chem harder, typically?
I like bio a lot, will having less study sessions with friends hurt my grade?</p>
<p>Take AP Bio. You will do worse in a class you aren’t interested in. You can study on your own- or if you like studying with others, make some new friends in that class (but keep the old, of course).</p>
<p>Whether a class is hard or not depends on the person. You definitely see like a bio peron though, and it seems like you will hate chem.</p>
<p>You will only do good in chem if you are of an inherent smartness(like you work for your grades but you could still get really good grades without studying) or you enjoy the subject. I would not take chem if I were you since it is very math oriented and if you don’t enjoy it or aren’t good at it, you will only get bad grades.</p>
<p>AP Chem was a lot less work than AP Bio is for me. Both interesting though.</p>
<p>Yeah, I really loved bio and dislike the chem class I’m in now … I’ll learn to get over my shy-ness
<p>Drac313, I’m not that kind of person, so perhaps its better if I take bio from an academic standpoint too? I have to work very hard to get good grades in my math classes … they’re honors/AP courses, true, but nevertheless math is not my thing. </p>
<p>I’ve been doing some googling, and I’ve read that bio is mainly memorization and understanding concepts, while chem is more about the application and has more math. If that’s the case bio is definitely my thing
<p>From your experience is that true?
I’m kind of worried because I’ll be in either three or four APs next year … am I right to be worried, or am I being paranoid? Should I say no to the AP english? I’m getting an A in AP Euro this year without too much trouble.</p>