<p>I have an AP Bio final on Thursday, and I need to study like crazy for that class. </p>
<p>I read the passages and then go through the CD and study what I consider is important,,,,but they tend not to be what the teacher considers important. I've also bought the 5 steps to a 5 (bio) and used that to help me know what's important and not on the AP exam. </p>
<p>how do YOU study and what do you consider important?</p>
<p>Depends on what book you use, but most should have a chpater concept overview, then the chapter to read, then a summary.</p>
<p>What I did to study, was read the concepts, and then read the summary.
Some key-points are mostly illustrated by the PICTURE (that's why they PAY to put those on there) so study as many diagrams also.</p>
<p>What I've seen a topic that's usually common is the whole thing of alleles and hybrid crosses (mendel) and also, lots of ecology. Again, depends on your teacher though.</p>
<p>Just a final, right? as in your teacher created these, and it is not a "fixed" given test like AP. If it is, then what your teacher considers most important is probably, what will be on your final.</p>
<p>make flash cards with the terminology/words/processes/enzyme names... helps me cuz im not an out of a book kinda person... but i end up with a huge stack, then again im doing ib bio not ap</p>
<p>Although I heard 5 Steps is a good book, I would recommend that you go out today and buy Cliffnotes AP Biology. I used that for my final last week and I got a 96. It takes a lot of studying and understanding for this class, but you can certainly do it. One tip I can give you (which I do myself) is to know the diagrams and each step in the diagram so well, that you would be able to teach it to someone else. I usually cover the names or key terms (or atleast don't read them) and I explain it aloud as if there was somebody listening (or I explain it to my brother :) ). Then, you should be able to shut the book and explain in detail with no errors. I wish you the best of luck on your test and I hope you get in some nice studying! Also, if there are any specific topics/questions you want to know about, I would be more than happy to help you.</p>
<p>AP Bio is a double period in our school. Is this kind of unusual? ( I'm thinking that AP Bio is usually one period. We have 50 min periods) How hard is the AP Bio test? We use Campbell's 5th.</p>
<p>It's the one that comes with multiple practice exams, which is what mainly helps you in this book. I'm thinking of getting it for the actual test, but i'm not sure if the questions are similar to what will be on the exam...</p>