<p>According to the "Advanced Placement Credit" chart (for Warren College), I am exempted from "two courses from Bio 1 or 2" and that I "may not take Bio 1 or 2." Are Bio 1 and 2 the same as BILD 1 and 2? I'm assuming that they are. However, I intended on taking BILD 1-3 in preparation for the MCAT. Would you guys recommend taking the BILD series(w/o getting credit) or taking the upper-division Bio courses? </p>
<p>Bio 1 and 2 = BILD 1 and 2 (it was Bio 1 and 2 years ago...)</p>
<p>I didn't take bild 1 and 2, and I don't think it made much of a difference in my upper divs, but if you don't really remember any AP bio that well it may help to retake them.</p>
<p>And are you a premed? I think that you need to take Bild 1 and 2 for med school admissions (a current premed can probably verify this),so then you wouldn't really have a choice.</p>
<p>If you're going to apply to med schools with the 1-year gen bio requirement, you HAVE to take BILD. UCSD won't give you credit for it, but they also won't do anything to keep you enrolling in it.</p>
<p>Wait, so it's mandatory that I take BILD? Because according to the admission websites of some medical schools (i.e Johns Hopkins, Drexel, UCSD), the requirements are one year of college-level Biology. Wouldn't that include either lower-division Biology and upper-division Biology? And also, according the med school pamphlet that the UCSD career center published (<a href="http://career.ucsd.edu/sa/Handouts/medicine.pdf)%5B/url%5D">http://career.ucsd.edu/sa/Handouts/medicine.pdf)</a>, it is recommended that we take upper-division Biology courses if we already have AP credit for Biology. I'm totally confused right now, haha.</p>
<p><em>some</em> medical schools require one year of college-level bio, meaning anything in the undergrad range covers it.</p>
<p><em>other</em> medical schools specifically call for one year of lower-division biology (general bio, while upper-div has a specialization) and you can't use AP credit or upper-division courses to cover it. UCD is one of these schools. my guess it that the career center just wants you to continue with your major and stay on track -- if the need arises for you to take BILD1/2/3 as a senior, you'll be all the more prepared for it.</p>
<p>chemistry also has a similar problem, and it's not unheard of for graduating seniors to enroll in chem 6a/b/c in efforts to make their med schools happy.</p>
<p>Thank you, Astrina, for the clarification! :) </p>
<p>Although the grades that I will receive in the BILD classes won't show up in my GPA, will the grades show up on my transcript and will medical schools recompute my GPA with those courses?</p>
<p>the grades will still show up (your professors still report them) but i doubt the med schools will take that into account -- besides, in the grand scheme of things, a few hundredths of a grade point isn't going to matter much?</p>
<p>this is something you should really ask your college. but fwiw, my 5 on the AP only got me out of BILD 1 and 2 -- this was revelle, a few years ago.</p>
<p>auditing BILD 1-3 won’t satisfy this right?</p>
<p>and even though med schools probably won’t look at the BILD grades if u retake them, would this be one of those situations where we would “have” to get like an A, b/c med school admissions ppl would think “if he got a 5 on AP Bio, how come he didn’t get an A?”</p>
<p>there’s no way for you to get a record of you auditing a class, since you’re not officially enrolled. also, some med schools (UC Davis is one) won’t accept AP credit for the lower-division biology requirement.</p>
<p>I’m completely unfamiliar with these school’s admissions policies, but he could take these classes P/NP if he doesn’t need them for university requirements, couldn’t he?</p>