<p>Hi guys,</p>
<p>So AP BIO test is one day left. I'm confident that I can manage mc questions pretty well, but think like I will be OWNED by those freakin stinkin frq questions.</p>
<p>Since there is not so much stuff I can do at this point, Im trying to get some clear ideas of frq questions.</p>
<p>What are general frq questons' topics? I think they wouldn't ask us about taxonomy and all that good stuff.</p>
<p>-such as, analyze kingdom fungi.</p>
<p>Laboratory experiments are killing me, since our class screwed up about 80 percents of lab experiments haha. I don't have that much clear concept about all labs.</p>
<p>What should I study for frq questions? Any idea or suggestion?</p>
<p>I’ve heard that the FRQ are the easiest part because as long as you put stuff down that relates to the question, you’ll get points. I’ve never taken the test myself (until tomorrow!), so I can’t testify for it personally. It seems reasonable, though.</p>
<p>I don’t think they would make you analyze a single kingdom, but they might say describe the kingdoms and the various subcategories… Maybe. I dunno. Like you, I’m taking it tomorrow. :)</p>
<p>Seriously, RAMBLE. It’s basically mental regurgitation. Just throw down anything and everything that does or might relate to the topic. My teacher told us that irrelevant info doesn’t count towards your grade, so it doesn’t matter if you write something wrong. Write down everything! Most questions have a basic theme to them. Look at the FRQ’s from last year…pretty basic!</p>
<p>However, I hate that we can’t pick our own questions like History AP Exams…</p>
<p>^ Exactly. Ramble and write everything that comes to mind. If you aren’t sure if something is true but you think it is, write it! There is only one rule for the FRQs: DON’T contradict yourself, otherwise the point you earned for originally saying something right will be taken away.</p>
<p>See this thread for some more tips: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/ap-tests-preparation/925369-ap-bio-frq.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/ap-tests-preparation/925369-ap-bio-frq.html</a></p>
<p>So they won’t take points off if you say something incorrect?</p>
<p>^They only give points based on correct information, and no points can be deducted for incorrent information.</p>
<p>However, as SeekingUni pointed out, if you contradict yourself, your original point will be taken away. So the main idea is be DECISIVE! </p>
<p>best of luck, can’t wait till tomorrow morning…
So nervous!</p>
<p>Exactly! (Unless it contradicts something you’ve already earned a point for).</p>
<p>For example, if you describe cellular respiration and explain where ATP comes from, you’ll get a point (if that’s what the question is). If later in your essay you state that ATP comes from ninjas who implant it in your body while you’re sleeping, you will lose the point that your previously earned, since it contradicts with what you originally said was the source of ATP.</p>
<p>If in the middle of another essay, you randomly write “ATP has only one phosphate,” (which is an incorrect statement) you won’t lose any points (unless, of course, you previously stated that ATP has 3 phosphates). </p>
<p>You start with 0 points. The readers go through and give you points for things that answer the question (they have a rubric to follow which dictates what is worthy of a point).</p>
<p>Thank you guys so much. The only thing that i worry about is “time”. Since there is just so much information, I dont even know how I can possibly write down everything I know. Thank god they don’t take off points for incorrect infos or grammar errors.</p>
<p>And the other part worry about is “what if i write something down that is totally not correct”. Like, if the questions asks about graphical analysis, and i interpret the graph’s meaning absolutely wrong. Although my answer can be seem reasonable, if the materials are not suggested by the rubirc, then i don’t receive any point right?? Oh god im so nervous :(</p>
<p>Yes, that is right, AFAIK.</p>
<p>Don’t be nervous! Being nervous will be your greatest setback. Don’t let such a little fear get in your way from performing well! You are capable of making a 5… so do it!</p>