<p>This is a bit early, but for the people who have called in to get their score please post it if you'd like :) </p>
<p>Update this score count
5: </p>
<p>and describe how you felt about the test. Was the MC/ FRQ hard or easy? How much did you study for it? How well did your AP Bio teacher prepare you for it?</p>
<p>I got a 5!!!</p>
<p>Update this score count
5: 1</p>
<p>During the year this was my best class, and I was almost certain I would get a 5. We had a great teacher, and he made the class extremely hard but I still had almost a perfect grade. When we did practice tests I would get around 85% of MC and either a 10 or close to it on every essay, making a 5 very likely for me. Then when the actual test rolled around we got ****ed with the essays. It was literally the worst situation possible as every essay was on a topic we didn’t learn about. Until I called in I was worried a got a 4, but I guess I still pulled off a 5 :)</p>
<p>Congrats runallday4 :D</p>
<p>I also got a 5. What is this I don’t even . . . </p>
5: 2</p>
<p>Self quote from a few months before the exam:
"So, do y’all think two months will be enough time to make up for a pretty bad AP Biology class? More than half the class took it because they knew the teacher wouldn’t fail them. People just walk in and out as they please. It was just horrible. I always set the curve on tests with like 70s and 80s; I kind of absorbed the general attitude of the class.</p>
<p>I hate myself."</p>
<p>Obviously, I had a bad experience. I studied a bit out of cliffs for about a month, not really expecting much. I didn’t even study animal form, reproduction, or development (lol Q1). I walked out of the exam feeling as if I got a three, because I did really well on the multiple choice (80-90/100 MC) but terrible on the free response (I don’t even think I got a fourth of the free response points). I repeated the score on the phone like five times. I saw a few more people on here in disbelief with their score.</p>
hey guys
srsly guise LISTEN</p>
<p>What if . . . they messed up everyone’s biology score?
<a href=“http://i.imgur.com/aJrwY.jpg[/url]”>http://i.imgur.com/aJrwY.jpg</a></p>
5: 3</p>
<p>I love my Bio teacher. She’s the most amazing teacher ever TT-TT<br>
MC was really easy for me. I had about 50 minutes left and went over it three times out of boredom. The FRQ was not too fun… I got the first question because I cram studied it the night before (our class went over body systems, reproduction, and taxanomy in about 2 weeks…) The carbon cycle question was really bad… I felt fine answering it, but then realized I probably missed all my points, because I didn’t talk about the effect on the carbon cycle and instead talked about the effect on the world
I’ve got to say, for everyone there that the teacher really does make the difference. Our bio teacher totally overprepared us and beyond. We all started panicking for the APs about 2 months before the test, which is a big help compared to the week before preparation our AP calc teacher gave. </p>
<p>I studied from Cliffs and Barrons. Read through all of it and did like 3 practice tests, mostly from Barrons. Started studying from winter break and beyond. I over prepared for this test because I had an awful AP Chem experience last year and didn’t want to repeat it. </p>
<p>Good luck to next year’s students
and congrats everyone</p>
5: 4</p>
<p>I owe my bio teacher a drink.
5 on the AP and 800 on the SAT.</p>
<p>The mc was extremely easy for me, but the whole year I’d been excelling on the Campbell test bank. The frq wasn’t too bad except for that epigenetics question.</p>
<p>lol I screwed myself over on the epi question… Gave two examples cuz I thought that’d be a good idea. First example was wrong, second one was right. My bio teacher tells me that they only consider the first answer =.=</p>
5: 4</p>
<p>I got a 4 on this AP test and I am in complete SHOCK! My whole AP Biology class took that class as a joke. I didn’t even open the AP book once. Every assignment was like super simple. The test the teacher would give us were super hard and she would give like a 40 point cure. I seriously didn’t learn anything new. During the test I thought the MC were pretty simple but the FR were amazingly HARD I stated writing a story about how I was watching the season finale of Desperate Housewives and I didn’t have time to study lol Like I’m beyond SHOCKED by this 4. I knew about like 1 sub question on each FR only. I guess that combined with my MC gave me a 4. idk but I’m like really happy :D</p>
5: 4</p>
<p>I expected this score right after I took the test. I know that my mistake was spending too much time on this one question, when I could have went on to the second half of the MC which was made up of easy data/chart questions. (hint: all of the easy questions on the AP are on the back!! so might as well start with that if you can :/) I know I did really well on the FR, and that definitely saved me, but in the end, you can screw up the FR and still get a 5 because the MC weighs a lot more. (Essentially, if you get 0 on the FR and all the MC right you can still get a 5)</p>
<p>My AP teacher was too relaxed, used to teaching seniors, and we were not as prepared as she probably thought we were. Our sophomore class never took regular biology…</p>
3: 2
4: 1
5: 4</p>
<p>This test sucked :’(</p>
3: 2
4: 1
5: 4</p>
<p>I got my score report and i supposedly got a 2 but i sent for a rescore so ill update this when they give me the score i deserved. I felt really good about the test as a whole ad walked out confident and i got a 2!!!
I felt terrible about my english one and got a 3. It makes no sense.</p>
2: 1
3: 2
4: 1
5: 5</p>
<p>I got a 5! I was so happy when I heard my score on the phone! My teacher didn’t really teach us anything and everybody else in my class didn’t try, so I took matters into my own hands and read the textbook. I literally finished the book the day before the exam. Also, I took multiple practice tests and quizzes. All of this effort got me my 5 and I’m glad I did it.</p>