<p>Just wondering how many points I'll get for these questions
Question 4 (assuming 3/9)
part a) I used the average value formula(with an integral) but used change in velocity over time and got 11/20 ft/sec-so wrong method but right answer
part b) I made a mistake in substituting from the table and got a wrong value for my reimann sum. However, I got a correct interpretation of its implication
part c) I integrated the velocity for part B incorrectly thus getting rocket A to be faster.</p>

<p>Other mistakes include:
1. Forgetting to multiply by pi part b of the first problem(assumming -2, so a 7/9)
2. The domain in problem 5 (assuming -1, or an 8/9)
3. For question 2 I added 500 instead of multiplying by 500 and thus got no as my answer(assuming -2, or a 7/9)</p>

<p>How many points will I get for each of these problems????
Also, I got questions 3 and 6 perfectly and am assuming 37 raw on MC. Will this be enough to get me a 5??? (Tell me what cutoff score you're using to determine the score)</p>


<p>i'm ****ed too...I forgot pi.</p>


<p>please anybody</p>

<p>I was never very fond of the abbreviation "Cal"..."Calc" is much better and the way to go.</p>

<p>lol that's besides the point........can anyone just give me a prognosis?</p>