Ok so I don’t really know what i want to do when I grow older but something probably med school related. Anyways, I’ve been thinking about which to take for a long time but still have not decided. Does it matter if I take AP Calc AB or BC to colleges? I am mostly trying to get into a UC school.
I am already taking
-regular english
-Honors language (really easy)
- AP CompSci i think. or regular compsci
- AP Chem or AP Bio
One reason I want to take Calc BC is bc everyone else I know is going to take it but they’re really smart and I also don’t want to feel like Im being left behind or will regret not taking it. On the other hand, i know some people who have C’s in the class and that is my worst fear
Currently I have an A in precalculus but always have to study in order to do well on the tests, i can apply the formulas but don’t fully understand the concepts unless someone explains it to me, then I know it pretty well
I am going to be a junior next year and am about two years ahead of my grade level in terms of math
If you are two grades ahead in math, wouldn’t you be one of the top students in math who should not be afraid of taking calculus BC?
@ucbalumnus i suppose you’re right; however, I’m not that smart, I just memorize theorems most of the time. does taking AB over BC matter that much? plus I don’t want to be overloaded but ill do what i have to
AB is fine for just about anywhere - ivy, UCs, top LACs, etc. If you were looking at MIT or Caltech, you’d probably want BC, but AB will be fine. Besides, you’re only going to be a junior – you can take BC or another math class senior year.
For the record, my D had was recommended for BC junior year and took AB instead. No regrets – she’s doing fine with admissions.
A few things.
1.Your worst fear should not be about getting a C. It could always be a D or an F. Also, there are far more terrifying things to worry about, like grizzly bears. In my honest opinion, many more people have died from grizzly bears then C’s. That is, of course, assuming you don’t have Asian parents. Based on your irrational fear of C’s, I suggest that you take Stats.
2.UC’s usually consider many things, not just your math course. One of the things that they consider is known as “capitalization”. This is usually taught in the first or second grade. FYI, the “does” in your title should be capitalized. Also, some of the “I’s”. Another thing that some UC’s consider is “punctuation”. Most sentences require some form of punctuation at the end. Here are a few examples. “!?.” The only time I can recall not needing punctuation was on a wild LSD trip. So, I’m pretty happy to see that you are taking regular English. Hopefully the teacher is able to reach you the numerous punctuation and capitalization techniques.
3.Grades or courses are not the most important thing in high school. There are a few thing that rank above it. For example, getting pussy. This is very important for high school success and I recommend that you get some immediately. There’s quite a bit of ways to obtain pussy, but the most humane way is adoption. You should visit your local SPCA immediately to get pussy. Another important thing in high school is video games. Video games are very important, especially feminine ones like “League of Legends”. A good feminine game will teach you necessary feminine skills, such as cooking and cleaning.
Last but not least, remember that the most important thing in high school is the joy of learning. 